The Alphabetical Sanitary Game


Shared by Mª Seila Sánchez:

This activity is aimed at students with a language level of B1 (intermediate) and focuses on revising, learning and using vocabulary related to health and illness through two exercises which will help them improve reading and writing.

1.- The Alphabetical sanitary Game.

A fun way to revise and consolidate vocabulary is playing The Alphabetical sanitary Game.


Test consists of going through the alphabet from "a" to "z". Students must answer the questions correctly in order. If they do not know the correct option, they should skip their turn saying "alphabetical".
With S --> a feeling of illness or physical change, e.g. a sore throat (answer: symptoms).
With V --> an extremely small piece of organic material that causes diseases (answer: virus).

2.- Read the following report "A year without precedent: WHO's COVID-19 response" and answer the questions.


- What is COVID-19?
- What is the treatment for COVID-19?
- What has been the WHO'S answer?
