Students learn and create with Wordwall


Shared by Verónica González:

I would divide the most important contents so every student can focus on one thing. After that, I would teach students how to use wordwall and we will practice with them in class. Later on, each student would create a game with the wordwall tool in order to review every content.

For instance, the following could be the distribution of a class:

The type of exercise is in Spanish as it appears in Wordlwall

· Cuestionario: year review

· Une las correspondencias: vocabulary of the units

· Rueda del azar: gerunds or infinitive

· Ordenar por grupo: present tenses

· Abre la caja: past tenses

· Busca la coincidencia:place prepositions

· Cartas al azar: future tenses

· Pares iguales: time prepositions

· Palabra faltante: vocabulary

· Reordenar: false friends

· Anagrama: phrasal verbs

· Juego de concurso: test review

· Persecución en laberinto: place prepositions

· Verdadero o falso: reading comprehension.

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