Imporving pronunciation with ABCYa

Shared by Alba Díez:

I would like to put in practice ABCYA.COM digital resource as an extension activity in my classes for practising the literacy with the kids of 1st and 2nd level. I consider the spelling and letter activities very important for developping the 4 linguistic skills. 

The aim of this activity is to improve the natural pronunciation of different words, some of them related to the class vocabulary. During a session in a week, we are going to play with this resource. We are going to use the digital board in turns they will go selecting the right word, ordering, repeating... depending on the activity. 

This activity about rhyming words, is a good way for kids to practice phonemic awareness. Click on the bats’ bellies to hear the words, and then match the words with rhyming sounds. This digital resource has a huge amount of resources for learning english in different ways, not only lettering and spelling.
