Guessing the job with Educaplay

Shared by Soraya Cruz:

The group of students I am working with this year is a very small group formed by 3 students in the 5th grade and 6 students from 6th grade. The group has a very low level both in English as a tool for communication and in the usage of the new technologies as a tool for learning. 

In my opinion, it answers to a lack of interest and motivation on the students’ side and the little resources they have due to their location (we are in a small village in Salamanca where connection and network may not be available daily).

All throughout the year I have been trying to develop activities than encourage the usage of both at the same time. So long, I had been doing small sketches in the class or videos they recorded at home, but they had not been successful.

Therefore, I am going to start using games to introduce new abilities and motivation in my students as well as to arise awareness of their knowledge. Basically, I am trying to show them how a very little effort can become a great success mainly to better their spirits for high school. 
The idea is to play this game all together in the class and then have them create their own game in pairs and in relation to any topic they can think about. So, right now it is a listening activity that aims to become a speaking one.
